In 2014, while working as a combat camera officer, I was selected to lead the second-largest production facility in the U.S. Air Force. There, I learned the art of video storytelling and have since created short-form digital content for a variety of brands online. All of the work featured below is content that I created solo - acting as producer, director, filmmaker, sound engineer and editor with a minimalist setup and often under strict deadlines.
My most popular video clients are Tastemade Travel, Semester at Sea, Thrillist, and the United States Air Force.

In 2019, I was hired as an international freelance filmmaker, traveling to various parts of the globe to pitch unique travel stories focused on sustainability, cuisine, adventure travel and other relevant current events. I produced 10 videos for Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat with graphics and copy and self-funded travel to Australia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway and various part of the U.S. to film. All videos have a combined 10 million views on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.
In addition to spearheading the organization’s first-ever collaboration with Youtube and Instagram influencers, I also worked as the social media coordinator and lead photographer onboard a four-month voyage around the world. Although my main duties included photographing and writing articles in 14 countries, I occasionally created videos for their main social media channels. Despite holding this position in 2018, much of my work is still being showcased today.
Hosted Travel Content

In 2019, after significant time apart due to our military service, my husband and I decided to quit our day jobs and move to Australia to live out of a van and pursue the two things we are most passionate about: comedy and content creation. We shared our wild experiences through our podcast Work Our Way, shining a light on travel, comedy, the darkest moments of our relationship, combat, military service, and our daily life on the road. In early 2020 during the height of the bushfires, we took time off of content creation and comedy to volunteer our time in Cobargo - the hardest-hit area of Australia. Shortly after, we were kicked out of the country due to Australia's strict COVID-19 lockdown.
In 2022, I was hired as a social media producer for Thrillist to help grow their Snapchat and TikTok audience. Although initially hired to help produce shows for both platforms, I quickly became a full-time editor for their travel and food content, repurposing their long-form shows into digital shorts.

In 2014, I was assigned to the Air Force's second largest production facility, while also working as a combat camera officer. I often volunteered as a filmmaker for various video missions to help give my crew a break as needed. Much of the content I created during my time as a combat camera officer is classified, but below are a few that highlight the range of productions I would take on.