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Producer + Director

After fifteen years creating digital, non-fiction and news content, I recently jumped into the narrative and documentary world as a freelance producer and director. Right now, I prefer to cover stories that have the potential to generate positive change in the world of politics, human rights and sustainable travel. I have over 10 years of journalism experience, which includes interviewing subjects about sensitive or controversial topics. For more information on my current and future work, visit my IMBd page.

OFFICIAL SELECTION - Shortie Film Festival - 2023.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Wine Women  Film Festival - 2023.png
AWARD WINNER - Knight of the Reel Awards - 2022.png
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Oregon Documentary Film Festival Offiical Selection Laurel Spring 2023 White.png
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Speculative Film Fest - 2023.png
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Ivy Grace

I produced and directed this short documentary ahead of the 2022 midterm elections in an attempt to persuade South Carolina residents to reconsider the 'total ban' on abortion following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In this story, Jill (a devote Christian and former Ms. Carolina) shares every heartbreaking detail about her recent experience having to terminate her baby following an HLHS diagnosis. Her best friend went through the exact same experience in 2014, and this video showcases their side-by-side experiences in a pre and post-Roe v. Wade world.


The video garnered over 1 million views on Twitter and was retweeted by Jaime Harrison, Joe Cunningham and Mark Hamill. The video helped Jill's story reach NBC Nightly News, People Magazine, Jezebel, Daily Mail and many others.


EP: Steph Griffith

DP/Editor: Mariah Harkey 


All is Well

I was selected as producer and team lead for the New York City Women's Weekend Film Challenge in 2022. As the producer, I played the most crucial role in the success of the team - to manage and lead a crew of 33 women and non-binary filmmakers to ensure that we could write, shoot and edit a short film in 48 hours.


Despite having a decade of experience in nonfiction production and branded content, this film challenge was my first attempt at producing anything narrative. When it came time for our short to premiere alongside six other films from the challenge, our film was selected as the finale in front of industry experts, distributors producers and directors at Village East.

Director: Elaine Del Valle

DP: Eurica Yu

Associate Producers: Nicole Martinez, Emily Wirth

Writers: Kea Trevett and Taylor Steele
Sound: Christianna Sansculotte
Editor: Julie Deffet

1st AC: Andrea Ocampo
2nd AC: Dominique Green
PD: Lexi Onigbanjo


Trojan Footprint

In 2018, I was by-name requested to travel to Germany as a Public Affairs Officer with the Special Operations Command in Europe. While there, I led coverage of the largest special forces exercise that deployed 2,000 NATO personnel to the Baltics. My small crew of 14 combat camera personal documented special forces operations in 4 countries over the span of 16 days while I led them all remotely from Germany. This was one of the videos that came from that large-scale documentation effort.


Although I was working as a producer/director for this particular production, I also worked as a combat camera team lead and filmmaker from 2014-2017. I've deployed to remote countries all over the world with skeleton crews to document combat and humanitarian missions. My success in the field garnered several awards, to include the #1 Combat Camera Officer for the entire Air Force in 2017.


Editor: Nathan Stout

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